Silence Retreat: A Deep Encounter with Yourself
Silence Retreat is a unique opportunity to create a deep connection with your inner self. You will be guided and supported on a life changing journey. Quiet reflection will become your best friend and you will discover new places of peace, harmony, and balance.
During this week, you will discover the healing power of silence, learn about your true nature, practice awareness exercises that lead to inner clarity. We use inspirational teaching techniques, mindfulness and contemplation, observation practices, yoga, breath work, with different meditation practices to support your transformation.
The silence retreat takes place in the middle of nature on a beautiful island Saaremaa (Ösel), away from distracting stimuli, offering a deeper contact with yourself and the beauty of nature. This week is for anyone who wants to release mental and emotional tension, find peace and strengthen their conscious presence.
The food during the retreat will be nourishing vegan food.
You will experience the following guided meditations:
- Bodyscan (mindfulness meditation)
- Yoga Nidra (pre-sleep routine)
- Osho Kundalini meditation
- Silent sitting, standing, and walking meditation
- Meta Meditation
- Hoponopono meditation (forgivness meditation)
The Program
- 16:00 Arrival, accommodation and familiarisation with the retreat rules
- 18:00 Dinner
- 19:00 Opening Tea Ceremony
- 19:30 Opening circle and retreat commitments, Q & A
- Second day: Nature and body connection
- 08:30 Morning Meditation & Yin yoga
- 09:30 Team-work: preparing breakfast
- 09:45 Breakfast
- 10:30 Guided meditation practice ~ observing your mind
- 12:00 Nature hike and Slow Conscious Walking
- 13:00 Lunch
- 15:00 Sharing Circle: The power of silence and its effect on our mind
- 17:00 Individual meditation practices and being in nature
- 18:30 Dinner
- 20:00 Evening silence practice: Candlelight meditation
- 20:30 Reflections: Q & A
- Day Three: Deep Insight & Spiritual Practice
- 08:30 Morning Meditation & Yin yoga
- 09:30 Team-work: preparing breakfast
- 09:45 Breakfast
- 10:00 Creative activity: Expression of silence through Artistic Expression
- 13:00 Lunch
- 15:00 Individual meditation practices and being in nature
- 18:00 Dinner
- 19:30 Group Meditation: Creating collective energy
- 20:00 Evening Dance Celebration
- 21:00 Reflections
- Day four: Integration and Returning Home
- The focus remains on a deep independent practice of silence. The gifts of silence and new beginnings.
- 08:30 Breakfast
- 08:30 Morning Meditation & Yin yoga
- 09:30 Team-work: preparing breakfast
- 09:45 Breakfast
- 10:30 Metta Meditation, listening and sharing
- 11:30 Sharing in a circle and ending the camp
- 12:30 Snacks
- 13:00 Departure
This camp is for?
- Those who want let go of stress and increase relaxation.
- You want to learn how to make better choices that support your wellbeing.
- Those who seek a deep connection with their true nature.
- You are ready to learn practices that bring greater clarity, peace of mind through silence, stillness, and movement.
Destination and Price
You will arrive as if at the end of the world, where you will find, among other things, pure nature and deep silence with beautiful meadows and beaches, ~ the best vacation for a busy mind, the like of which is hard to find anywhere.
Registration and additional information:
480 € / per person incl accommodation, food, program
580 € / per person incl accommodation, food, program
Emma Kristel Ditmann (MBSR)

Ronski Kosky (MA, BSc)